French finding a way to change their minds

They are looking for plan B. If this goes smooth, they will need to get in on the OIL too.

"If Saddam Hussein were to use chemical and biological weapons, this would change the situation completely and immediately for the French government," Jean-David Levitte said.
I do not get this either. The USA is cool to go into Iraq with awesome air power that Iraq cant match, not to mention the capability from Sea, but Iraq would be so evil to use VX gas.

It's war. Let it eat!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Since you are on the all is fair in love and war...then if they use chemical and biological weapons on US troops..then phvck em and nuke'em....
>I do not get this either.

No one is surprised

The irony is Saddam would be using the stuff the French say he does not have yet if the French (so they say) knew Saddam had WMD then they would back the USA.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Despite French opposition to a war in Iraq, the French military could assist a U.S.-led coalition should Iraq use biological and chemical weapons against coalition forces, the French ambassador to the United States said Tuesday.

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"This is the business we've chosen." - Hyman Roth

New member
Sep 21, 2004
i wouldn't hold it against them if they used any type of can you?[/QUOTE] can you not be against Saddam using quemical weapons against United States troops? If Saddam uses quemical weapons then he will prove that he is a liar and it would be the biggest I told you so in history favoring Pres. George W. Bush. If they use quemical weapons, then surely the allied forces would be allowed to retaliate merciless against the Republican Guard. Your comment makes you sound like a sympathizer to Saddam and terrorism as a whole.
He;s defending his home against invasion and he'll use whatever he's got to defend it !

I don't htink he has any to use otherwize he would have used it in the first Gulf war now wouldn't he !

Anyway may god be with you American citizens for years to come cuz you have just pissed off the whole Arab world !


J-Man is just another phucking rat that they'll find face down ass up one of these days

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